Sunday, October 6, 2013

You may be wondering...

You may be wondering...
                                      why is it so that I have not done any post since the end of the last year, but trust me that I am really busy as a seconda.

         The year has started of with nearly 100 new students - our primini! But you don't feel like a second year when it comes to it, you are still feeling so fresh and new to everything that in the end it is actually the work which reminds you that your second year of IB has started.

Being the organizer of the Welcome Show I have been busy from the very first day, but it wouldn't be our generation that wouldn't make a great show :)
Following the Intro week, ice-breakers and again - new and new faces, you end up having an October.
October - being the month of stress and coming cold - oh no, you might think we have a nice weather here in Italy, but I think this time we skipped autumn and it is winter already.
 October - being the month of applications and EE!
Having said the word EE - extended essay, I don't actually feel so stressed about but when it comes to the point of choosing your right path and deciding where to go for university - that makes me a bit scared. After many, many, many hours of research I have finally made up my mind where to apply - UK, Spain and Canada. So now just wish me a good luck :P

Russian Dance from the Welcome Show:

Peace One Day 2013:
CzechoSlovak group
With my Prima Eliška :) 

1 comment:

  1. Ahoj, zatiaľ som len deviatačka, ale tiež rozmýšľam o prihláške do UWC, tak som sa chcela spýtať niečo ohľadom podmienok prijatia. Napríklad, ako vyberá komisia uchádzačov do 2. kola? myslím tým, či by som sa mala aktívne zapájať do mimoškolských aktivít, alebo aká je tvoja skúsenosť. Ďalej či ste v ďalších kolách mali politickú diskusiu (resp. aké disciplíny boli v 2. a 3. kole) Viem, že ty si mala pohovory v Česku a ja sa prihlasujem do slovenského UWC, ale každopádne dúfam, že sa to veľmi nelíši.
    Za odpoveď vopred ďakujem a držím palce v štúdiu:) Moma
